PATENT NR EP2682611 (European) Nr 1412566 (Italian)
Suitable to operate, test and control cleverly any kind of valves mainly in the pipeline application (Gas or crude oil) and HPU controller.
- Rugged Die-cast Aluminum enclosure
- Suitable to control any type of hydraulic or pneumatic actuator, double or single acting, linear or quarter turn.
- Safety functions designed according to IEC61508, part 1 to 7 “Low Demand mode”.
- Installation at site, on board of actuators or separate as a stand-alone unit.
- Remote control: by HART® and Modbus® RTU (redundant) bus protocol or by multicore cables and hardwired signals.
- Integrated non-intrusive local operator interface by pushbuttons and graphic display for control and setting. User-friendly navigation in the menu by icons and multi-language texts.
- Solenoid Valves (SOV) coil integrity test.
- Explosion Proof Ex-d.

Main Application
- Line Break for gas/crude oil pipeline application, SIL 3, Type “B”, HFT 1, SC 3
- “HPU” (Hydraulic Power Unit) Electronic Controller
- “ESD” function for “Low” and “High” pressure or both, SIL 3, Type “B”, HFT 1, SC 3
- “PST” (Partial Stroking Test) and “FST” (Full Stroking Test) for Instrument Air, Gas and hydraulic powered actuators
The above functionalities can be configured together
Line break and pst function for pipeline application
To request additional application and documents, pls contact
Line break and pst function with additional hpu control
To request additional application and documents, pls contact